In order to invoke an elemental water dragon, you must take many precautions. They aren't the most dangerous dragons around, but can be very vengeful! This is how you do it:
Burn Musk Incense and a black and white candle. Take an athame and raise it high in the air. Say, "Hail to the Gaurdians of the Watchtowers of the West, Powers or Water and Purity, hear me!" From here say, "Hail to the guardians of the watchtowers of the West, powers of Water and Purity, I invoke thee!" Add Naelan at the end of what you just said last. Then, raise the athame high in the air, and meditate the water dragon flowing through you, giving you power. Do what spells you wish to perform, the dragon is there to give you power.
Now, to end the ritual, raise the athame in the air and say, "Thank you Naylan for your time, I bid you farewell, until next time!" The Ritual has now ended, close the circle
"Those who sail up along the coast of Norway to trade or to fish, all tell the remarkable story of how a serpent of fearsome size, 200 feet long and 20 feet wide, resides in rifts and caves outside Bergen. On bright summer nights this serpent leaves the caves to eat calves, lambs and pigs, or it fares out to the sea and feeds on sea nettles, crabs and similar marine animals. It has ell-long hair hanging from its neck, sharp black scales and flaming red eyes. It attacks vessels, grabs and swallows people, as it lifts itself up like a column from the water."
Description | Extremely large whale, the size of an island. |
Features | When it is sleeping, or as part of a deliberate trick, the Devil-whale can be mistaken for an island by sailors, but if they land and start a fire, the whale will wake up, and attack the ship or drag it under the water. Sometimes these legends claim that the monster is a huge turtle. Saint Brendan, in his travels, landed on the back of a devil-whale on Easter Sunday. As he and the monks set a fire to cook their meal, the island began to swim away, and they hurredly returned to their boats. More on Saint Brendan. |
Also Called | Zaratan, Jasconius |
Described By | The Voyage of Saint Brendan- "When they approached the other island, the boat began to ground before they could reach its landing-place...The island was stony and without grass. There were a few pieces of driftwood on it, but no sand on its shore... {they spend the night there and the next morning} the brothers began to carry the raw meat out of the boat to preserve it with salt, and also the flesh which they had bought from the other island. When they had done this they put a pot over a fire.. When, however, they were plying the fire with wood and the pot began to boil, the island began to be in motion like a wave. The brothers rushed to the boat...the island moved out to sea. The lighted fire could be seen over two miles away." (O'Meara, 1991.) |
Japanese dragon myths amalgamate native legends with imported stories about dragons from China, Korea and India. Like these other Asian dragons, most Japanese ones are water deities associated with rainfall and bodies of water, and are typically depicted as large, wingless, serpentine creatures with clawed feet. Gould writes (1896:248),[9] the Japanese dragon is "invariably figured as possessing three claws". There is a widespread belief that earlier cartographers used the Latin phrase hic sunt dracones, i.e., "the dragons are here", or "there are dragons here", to denote dangerous or unexplored territories, in imitation of the infrequent medieval practice of putting sea serpents and other mythological creatures in blank areas of maps. However the only known use of this phrase is in the Latin form "HC SVNT DRACONES" on the Lenox Globe (ca. 1503-07).[17]
"Unlike most aquarium creatures, they actually express gratitude for the love they receive. One can actually form a relationship with them that is quite rewarding. I like to think of them as the Italian greyhounds of the aquarium: small, delicate, clean, yet loving and wonderful."
~Raoul Pop